November 15-17, 2024 • Orlando, Florida

Documenting Hope Presents 2 Events In 1:

Live CME Event for Health Professionals

The Childhood Integrative Healthcare Conference


Adventures In Healing

The Ultimate Field Guide To Restoring Health In Our Children

Join Hundreds of Healthcare Professionals and Parents at Documenting Hope’s Conference at the Upscale Destination Hotel, Omni ChampionsGate in Orlando, Florida.

The only 3-day Conference and Health Expo you need to attend this year

A special initiative of Epidemic Answers. CME portion accredited in collaboration with The Medical Academy.

New this year! Earn CEUS and AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ for qualifying lectures plus a Flex Pass Tickets

For our 2024 Conference, attendees and speakers will come together to blaze the trail toward a new paradigm for children’s health.

This conference is for you…

If You Are A:

Parent or Family

Health Care Professional

Health Coach


SLP, OT, Social Worker

Or Other Allied Professional

And You Want To:

Earn CME and CEU credits—AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ for Qualifying Lectures

Learn how healing happens

Learn the latest information about how to support families and earn CEU’s

Learn techniques and strategies that will enhance the work you are already doing with your patients and clients and earn CEUs

And Experience…

Connection to other parents just like you

Connection to some of the top experts in the field of regenerative health and meet families who need your help

Professional training that you cannot get anywhere else

Being at the forefront of cutting edge information

The Documenting Hope Conference offers research-backed solutions for parents and health professionals to put into action right away to help children on their healing journeys.

Meet Your Trail Guides 


Joseph Ladapo, MD, PhD,

Professor Department of Internal Medicine

read more

Brianna Ladapo MLA, CHC, DAIS

Energetic Healer, Naturopath, Author

 read more

Joseph Pizzorno, ND

Arsenic/Evironmental Toxins

read more

Dr. Dayan Goodenowe


read more

Elisa Song, MD

Holistic Pediatrician

read more

Richard Boles, MD

Mitochondrial and Molecular Medicine

 read more

Terri Hirning, NHD


read more

Nancy O’Hara, MD, MPH, FAAP


read more

Aimie Apigian, MD MS MPH

Biology of Trauma

read more

Chris D’Adamo Ph.D.

Scientific Director & Principal Investigator at Documenting Hope

read more

Beth Lambert

Executive Director of Documenting Hope

 read more

Maria Rickert Hong

 Co-Founder of, and the Education and Media Director for, Epidemic Answers

read more

Jamie Belz

Nutritional Therapy Association

read more

Theoharis Theoharides, BA, MS, MPhil, PhD, MD, FAAAAI

Mast Cells, Microglia, Neuroinflammation

read more

Dana Johnson, Ph.D., MS OTR/L

The Relationship Between Vision, Movement and Apraxia

read more

William V. Padula, OD SFNAP FAAO FNORA

Vision and Development

read more

Mary Coyle, DIHom

Homotoxicology and Bioregulatory Therapeutics

read more

Dr. Richard Frye, MD, Ph.D MD, PhD, FAAP, FAAN, CPI

Neurodevelopmental and Neurometabolic Disorders

read more

Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge, Ed.D., LPC, BCN, LLC


read more

Dr. Pejman Katiraei, DO

Endotoxins and Brain Inflammation

read more

Teresa Holler MS, PA-C

Lyme On A Dime

read more

Dr. Myriah Hinchey

The Basics and Beyond of Healing Lyme disease

read more

Dr. Laura Graye

Medical and Emotional Intuitive

read more

Star Edwards, MS, RDN/ LD


read more

Mary Ruddick

Ancestral Nutrition

read more

Dr. Michelle Perro


read more

Dr. Tony Ebel

Pediatric Chiropractic

read more


George C. Brainard, Ph.D.

Director, Light Research Program
Professor, Neurology
Professor, Neuroscience

read more


Bill Rawls, MD

Lyme & Co-Infections

read more

Angela Taylor DCN, CNS, LDN, IFMCP

Documenting Hope Studies

read more

Luminara Serdar

Autism Transformation Specialist

read more


Lauren Stone, CNS

Pediatric Integative Health

read more


Tapley Holland

Founder of TruDOSE

read more

Conference Schedule
November 15-17, 2024

Join us for three days of learning, connection, and collaboration.
*Schedule is subject to change with the addition of speakers and workshops

Parent Track
Professional Track

Parent Track


November 15

Exhibitor Viewing + Coffee/Tea, Lecture Hall C


7:00am - 7:45am

Welcome: Beth Lambert, Lecture Hall D

Speaker: Beth Lambert


7:55am - 8:00am

Intuition's Role in Healing: Accessing and Training Your Innate Intuitive Power

Speaker: Dr. Laura Graye C.E.M., M.S.,


8:00am - 8:35am

The Biology of Attachment Pains and Repair: For Ourselves & Our Children

Speaker: Aimie Apigian, MD, MS, MPH


8:35am - 9:10am

Q&A Panel: Empowering Parents,

Speakers: Dr. Laura Graye + Dr. Aimie Apigian


9:10am - 9:30am

Exhibitor Viewing + Coffee/Tea, Lecture Hall C


9:30am - 10:00am

The Gut, Brain Allergy, and Autism

Speaker: Pejman Kateraei, DO


10:00am - 10:35am

Supporting Self-Regulation in Children with ASD, ADHD, PANS/PANDAS, OCD & Anxiety: A Parent's Guide

Speaker: Roseann Capanna-Hodge, Ed.D., LPC, BCN, LLC


10:35am - 11:10am

Q&A Panel: Autism and PANS / PANDAS 

Speakers: Dr. Pejman Kateraei + Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge


11:10am - 11:30am

Exhibitor Viewing + Coffee/Tea, Lecture Hall C


11:30am - 1:00pm

Making our Children Well: Empowering Parents to Raise Healthy Children with Homeopathy and Nutrition

Speaker: Michelle Perro, MD


1:00pm - 1:35pm

Children Microbiome/Seeding Microbiome

Speaker: Mary Ruddick


1:35pm - 2:10pm

Q&A Panel: Microbiome

Speakers: Dr. Perro + Mary Ruddick


2:10pm - 2:30pm

Exhibitor Viewing + Coffee/Tea, Lecture Hall C


2:30PM - 3:30PM

Compromise of Vision by a Neurological Event Affecting Development, Learning and Rehabilitation

Speaker: William Padula, OD, SFNAP, FAAO, FNORA


3:30pm - 4:05pm

MIND OVER MOTOR: Understanding Sensory Motor Differences and the Impact of Neurological “Noise”

Speaker: Dana Johnson, PhD, OTLR


4:05PM - 4:40PM

Panel: Vision/Sensory Motor Differences

Speakers: Dr. Padula + Dr. Johnson


4:40PM - 5:00PM

Get Relevant Help for Your Child Now! with Maria Rickert Hong 


5:00pm - 5:45pm

Restoring Hope: A Night for Healing Our Children and Ourselves: Please join us Friday, November 15th, 7:00-9:00 pm to mingle and connect in our Restoring Hope Breakout Sessions.


7:00pm - 9:00pm


November 16

Exhibitor Viewing + Coffee/Tea, Lecture Hall C


7:00am - 8:00am

Lyme On A Dime

Speaker: Teresa Holler, MS, PA-C


8:00am - 8:35am

Why Herbal Therapy Should be More than Just an Alternative for Treatment of Chronic Lyme Disease and Similar Chronic Illnesses

Speaker: Bill Rawls MD


8:35am - 9:10am

Q&A Panel: Lyme and Coinfections

Speaker: Teresa Holler + Dr. Bill Rawls


9:10am - 9:30am

Exhibitor Viewing + Coffee/Tea, Lecture Hall C


9:30am - 10:00am

Genetic Testing Reveals the Primary Cause of Autism in Most Cases, Allowing for Personalized Treatment

Sponsored Speaker: Richard Boles, M.D.


10:00am - 10:35am

Demystifying PANS/PANDAS: Assessment and Treatment Specifics for Parents

Speaker: Nancy O’Hara, MD, MPH, FAA


10:35AM - 11:10AM

Q&A Panel: Genomics and PANS/PANDAS

Speaker: Dr. Richard Boles + Dr. Nancy O’Hara


11:10am - 11:30am

Complimentary Lunch + Exhibitor Viewing, Lecture Hall C


11:30am - 1:00pm

IonCleanse® & Detoxification

Sponsored Speaker: Terri Hirning, NHD


1:00pm - 1:35pm

Removing The Blockages Through Homotoxicology

Speaker: Mary Coyle, DIHom


1:35pm - 2:10pm

Q&A Panel: Detoxification

Speaker: Terri Hirning + Mary Coyle


2:10pm - 2:30pm

Exhibitor Viewing + Coffee/Tea, Lecture Hall C


2:30PM - 3:30PM

Healing Our Children by Healing Ourselves: End the Cycle of Pain by Transforming Your Legacy

Speaker:  Joseph A. Ladapo, MD, PhD and Brianna Ladapo, MLA, CHC, DAIS


3:30pm - 4:30pm

Raising Resilient Kids In (spite of) Our Modern World

Speaker: Elisa Song, MD


4:30pm - 5:30pm

Stick around and join us for our Saturday Night UNDER THE STARS Reception sponsored by TruDose


5:30pm - 8:00pm


November 17

Exhibitor Viewing + Coffee/Tea, Lecture Hall C


7:00am - 8:00am

Get to the Root of Your Child's Condition, Lecture Hall D

Speaker:Lauren Stone, PhD, MS, CNS and Luminara Serdar


8:00am - 9:00am

TruDOSE: Case Series and Case Report Outcomes in Autism and PANS/PANDAS Patients, Lecture Hall A

Speaker: Tapley Holland, Founder of TruDOSE


8:00am - 9:00am

The Last Resort: What to do When Nothing Helps Your Child

Speaker: Dr. Tony Ebel with PXDocs


9:00am - 10:00am

Exhibitor Viewing + Coffee/Tea, Lecture Hall C


10:00AM - 10:30AM

Nutritional Therapy Association Table Topics

Speaker: Jamie Belz, FTNP, MHC and NTA Coaches


10:30AM - 11:30AM

Documenting Hope Research Summary and Wrap up

Speaker: Beth Lambert, Heather Tallman-Ruhm, M.D.


11:30AM - 12:15PM

End of Conference



Professional Track


November 15

Exhibitor Viewing + Coffee/Tea, Lecture Hall C


7:00am - 7:50AM

Welcome: Beth Lambert, Lecture Hall B


7:50AM - 8:00AM

Blending Motor Planning and Neurodevelopmental Optometry to Access Communication, LECTURE HALL B

Speaker: Dana Johnson, Ph.D., MS OTR/L


8:00am - 9:00am

The Extracellular Matrix, Critical for Neuronal Connectivity, Is Broken Down by the Enzyme Metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) in the Brain of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), but can be inhibited by the Flavonoid Luteolin, LECTURE HALL A, NON-CME

Speaker: Theoharis Theoharides MS, MPhil, PhD, MD, FAAAAI


9:00am - 10:00am

Exhibitor Viewing + Coffee/Tea, LECTURE HALL C


10:00am - 10:30am

The Basics and Beyond of Healing Lyme disease, LECTURE HALL B

Speaker: Myriah Hinchey, ND


10:30am - 11:30am

Science Behind Autism - The Future of Diagnosis and Management, LECTURE HALL B

Speaker: Richard Frye, MD, PhD, FAAP, FAAN, CPI


11:30am - 12:30pm

Professionals and Flex Pass Only - Sponsored Lunch with Ion Cleanse® By AMD, Lecture hall A *NOn-CME


12:30pm - 2:00pm

Where’s Bifido? Missing Bifidobacterium, Impact on Child Health, and Restoration Strategies, LECTURE HALL B

Speaker: Star Edwards, MS, RDN/ LD


2:00pm - 3:00pm

Microbe Dormancy: A plausible explanation for why chronic Lyme disease, and related illnesses are so hard to treat, LECTURE HALL B

Speaker: Bill Rawls M.D


3:00pm - 4:00pm

Exhibitor Viewing + Coffee/Tea, Lecture Hall C


4:00pm - 4:30pm

Plasmalogens and Advanced Brain Nutrition in Autism and Rare Childhood Diseases, LECTURE HALL B

Speaker: Dayan Goodenowe, PhD


4:30pm - 5:30pm


November 16

Exhibitor Viewing + Coffee/Tea, LECTURE HALL C


7:00am - 7:30am

Genetic Testing Reveals Recurrent Pathways that Predispose Towards Autism: Implications for Personalized Treatment, LECTURE HALL A, NON-CME

Speaker: Richard Boles, MD


8:00am - 9:00am

Trauma Biology: What’s Happening In The Body And How To Support Our Patients, LECTURE HALL B

Speaker: Aimie Apigian, MD, MS, MPH


9:00am - 10:00am

Exhibitor Viewing + Coffee/Tea, Lecture Hall C


10:00am - 10:30am

The Impact of Light on Human Health, LECTURE HALL B

Speaker: George ‘Bud’ Brainard, PhD


10:30am - 11:30am

Microglial and Mast Cell Activation from Toxin-Mediated Gut Disruptions in Autism Spectrum Disorders, LECTURE HALL B

Speaker: Pejman Kateraei, DO


11:30am - 12:30pm

Complimentary Lunch + Exhibitor Viewing, Lecture Hall C


12:30pm - 1:45pm

Arsenic: The Environmental Toxin Causing the Most Chronic Disease, LECTURE HALL B

Speaker: Joseph Pizzorno, ND


2:00pm - 3:00pm

Exhibitor Viewing + Coffee/Tea, Lecture Hall C


3:00pm - 3:30pm

Healing Our Children by Healing Ourselves: End the Cycle of Pain by Transforming Your Legacy, LECTURE HALL A/B, Non-CME*

Speaker: Joseph A. Ladapo, MD, PhD and Brianna Ladapo, MLA, CHC, DAIS


3:30pm - 4:30pm

Raising Resilient Kids In (spite of) Our Modern World, LECTURE HALL A/B, Non-CME*

Speaker: Elisa Song, MD


4:30pm - 5:30pm


November 17

Exhibitor Viewing + Coffee/Tea, Lecture Hall C


7:30am - 8:00am

Case Study: Visual Function and Performance affected by Lyme disease, LECTURE HALL B

Speaker: William Padula, OD, SFNAP, FAAO, FNORA


8:00am - 9:00am

Case Study: Demystifying PANS & More: Learning Through Case Studies, LECTURE HALL B

Speaker: Nancy Hofreuter O’Hara, MD, MPH, FAAP


9:00am - 10:00am

Exhibitor Viewing + Coffee/Tea - Lecture Hall C


10:00am - 10:30am

Case Studies presented by the Medical Academy of Special Needs, LECTURE HALL B

Nancy Hofreuter O’Hara MD, Teresa Holler, John Giatanis MD


10:30am - 11:30am

Reversing Autism - Recent Case Reports and a Call to Action to Help Expand the Evidence Base for Reversal of Chronic Conditions Among Children, LECTURE HALL B

Speaker: Chris D'Adamo PhD and Angela Taylor DCN, CNS, LDN, IFMCP


11:30am - 12:30pm

CME Accreditation and Other Professional Credits

The Health Professional Track, The Childhood Integrative Healthcare Conference – presented by Documenting Hope has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of The Medical Academy. The Medical Academy is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Medical Academy designates this live activity for a maximum of 13 AMA PRA Category 1 credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Learning Objectives

  • List biomarkers that can be used to evaluate the health of the microbiome, assess inflammation and toxicity to gather insight into children’s chronic health conditions
  • Describe testing and evaluation that can be used to identify environmental factors that may contribute to medical co-morbidities in autism spectrum disorders
  • Describe metabolic features of autoimmune or other inflammatory conditions in children
  • Describe the latest findings concerning genetics in autism
  • Describe how to identify mitochondrial dysfunction in children

Your ticket offers:

  • 3 full days of professional education and training
  • We are eligible for 13 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™
  • 2 Days of Lunch; 3 days of Coffee/Tea and Snacks
  • The opportunity to mingle with other like-minded health and wellness professionals
  • CEU credits for a number of different professional organizations
  • Learn from world-renowned medical and scientific speakers
  • Enjoy luxury accommodations and dining at the Omni ChampionsGate

Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

Health Professionals can earn continuing education units (CEUs), and credits toward certification renewal.

We have applied to the following organizations for CEU or certification maintenance hours/professional development hours:

  • Nutritional Therapy Association: approved for 14 health-related CEUs.
  • National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches: approved for 14 health-related CEUs.
  • More professional organizations are being added, so please check back for updates.

If you register for the professional track, you will be asked to complete a certification assessment after the conference to obtain your certificate. The certificate of completion may be used for your own individual professional recertification credits in your state or your profession.

For School Guidance Counselors or other Educational Professionals looking for Continuing Education Credits: Please check with your school district’s certification office or in-service program to verify eligibility and procedures to earn school district in-service points from Professional Track attendance.

Join hundreds of your professional colleagues interested in learning more about “root causes” medicine. Return to your practice with the cutting-edge information that will improve your patient outcomes!

Epidemic Answers and The Documenting Hope Project are not yet approved continuing education providers of AOTA, ASHA, APTA or NASW. Members of these associations may be able to fulfill professional development hours and/or certification maintenance hours by attending the professional tract of this conference. A certificate of attendance/completion will be provided to any attendee who wishes to use this conference toward renewal requirements. Please check to confirm if the lectures being offered meet the approval of your state licensing board. Attendance of the entire professional tract will total 13 contact hours.


Restoring Hope: A Night for Healing Our Children and Ourselves

Please join us Friday, November 15th, 7:00-9:00 pm to mingle and connect in our Restoring Hope Breakout Sessions.

    • Len Arcuri, Topic 5 Keys To Maximize This Conference – Get Set Up For SUCCESS, (Royal Dublin – Session One and Session Two)
    • Pamela Conboy, Plant Medicine in Mind (Royal Melbourne – Session One) 
    • Candy Heinrich, Anchored in the Storm: Nurturing Self to Navigate Autism Parenting (Royal Melbourne – Session Two)
    • Luminara Serdar, What Does Your Heart Song Say? (WentworthSession One and Session Two)
    • Nutritional Therapy Association, Addressing Root Causes with a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Hallway

    Join Us In Orlando

    Omni ChampionsGate in Orlando, Florida over 3-Days, November 15-17, 2024


    Surrounded by 36 holes of championship golf and 15 acres of recreation, our Four Diamond resort is one of the nation’s premier golf, meeting and leisure destinations. In addition to world-class golf, our resort offers a signature full-service spa, sparkling pools and a lazy river, making it the perfect getaway hotel for adults and children alike. Omni Orlando Resort at ChampionsGate is the perfect destination for your luxury Florida escape.

    Book your hotel room under the discounted group block based on availability by calling Omni Reservations at 1-800-843-6664

    *Group room rate includes a discounted $5 resort service charge ($197)


    Enjoy luxury Omni accommodations in one of the 862 resort guest rooms and suites or designer villas. All of our accommodations include oversized modern furnishings and thoughtful touches like triple-sheeting, luxurious duvets and plush bathrobes.


    The Omni Orlando Resort at ChampionsGate offers an array of delicious cuisine is always on the menu. With nine unique restaurants on-site, satisfying any culinary craving is easy.


    The 36 holes of world-class golf at ChampionsGate were designed to offer golfers a blend of traditional and modern elements, creating a truly unique golf course in Orlando, Florida. In addition to championship golf, the resort also features 18-holes of miniature golf.


    Whether you seek rejuvenation and relaxation at the Mokara Spa at ChampionsGate or want to stay on top of your fitness regimen with their fitness center, in-room fitness kits and healthy meal plans, they can offer you the personalized service you require.


    You can find an endless amount of fun at the Omni Resort. From large pools and lazy rivers to water slides, whirlpools, and Orlando’s only resort wave pool. There’s a place for everyone to enjoy at the hotel.

    Take advantage of our exclusive ticket savings to Walt Disney World®

    Plan an entire family vacation around the Adventures In Healing Conference! Your registration will unlock access to special park ticket pricing exclusive to conference attendees.

    Book your hotel room under the discounted group block based on availability by calling Omni Reservations at 1-800-843-6664

    *Group room rate includes a discounted $5 resort service charge ($197)

    Countdown To Conference

    Join us November 15-17, 2024

    We will have a block of rooms held for a discounted rate at the Omni ChampionsGate, where the conference will be held. 

    New! One-Day Pass Parent Track

    For Saturday, November 16 only.




    1 Day of Lunch; 1 day of Coffee/Tea and Snacks $117
    50% off Health Coach Training $425
    50% off 1 YR Healing Together Membership $113
    1 Days of Lectures, Exhibitors $133
    TOAL VALUE $788

    Parent Track

    For parents and caregivers who have a child newly diagnosed with complex health and medical issues.




    2 Days of Lunch; 3 days of Coffee/Tea and Snacks $350
    50% off Health Coach Training $425
    50% off 1 YR Healing Together Membership $113
    3 Days of Lectures, Exhibitors $399
    TOAL VALUE $1,287

    Health Professional Track

    Childhood Integrative Healthcare Conference

    Presented by Documenting Hope




    2 Days of Lunch; 3 days of Coffee/Tea and Snacks $350
    50% off Health Coach Training $425
    50% off 1 YR Healing Together Membership $113
    3 Days of Lectures, Exhibitors $399
    14 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ $700
    TOAL VALUE $1,978

    Flex Pass Ticket

    Gives access to both tracks and access to lecture recordings for 1 year after the event.




    2 Days of Lunch; 3 days of Coffee/Tea and Snacks $350
    50% off Health Coach Training $425
    50% off 1 YR Healing Together Membership $113
    3 Days of Lectures, Exhibitors $399
    Access to conference recordings for 1 year $200
    Total Value of access to both tracks: $350+ $949 = $1,299

    *Parents or caregivers who have been on the trail for some time may wish to consider registering for the Professional Track or the Flex Pass. 

    Accreditation / Credit Designation Statement

    This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of The Medical Academy. Medical Academy designates this live activity for a maximum of 13 AMA PRA Category 1 credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

    Perks for attendees:

    Along with a Discounted Ticket Rate…


    ($350 value)

    Along with a Discounted Ticket Rate…

    50% DISCOUNT on Epidemic Answers Health Coach Training Program+FREE listing on the EA directory*

    This course is an online program designed for Health Coaches, but open to parents and caregivers. The 10-module self-paced program includes lectures, reading material and activities that cover topics ranging from nutrition to common physiological imbalances seen in children, information about therapies and lab work, strategies for improving children’s overall health and more.

    ($425 value)
    *For qualified Health Professionals

    Along with a Discounted Ticket Rate…

    50% off 1-Year Healing Together Membership

    Our new online community of families working together to optimize their children’s health, growth, and development,

    ($113 value)


    CME and CEU Opportunities

    AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ for Qualifying Lectures

    ($700 value)


    Will the conference lectures be recorded?

    Yes! New this year, we are offering a Flex-Pass for guests to attend either track throughout the weekend along with access to the recorded lectures of both tracks so they won’t miss a single talk. At this time we are unable to offer a “virtual ticket” due to the high-financial risk we assume to fill the seats at this event. Thank you for understanding!


    Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute



    Media Sponsors

    Don’t miss out on the cutting-edge information that could completely change the trajectory of children’s health.

    You’ll learn how health professionals are working together from all arenas in healthcare to bring multi-modal solutions to children suffering from an epidemic of chronic disease. Adventures In Healing will show you actual documentation of how this approach can work for children struggling with a myriad of conditions.

    Gain new insights on the proven strategies working today
    and see how small pivots can make the biggest impact on your family’s (or patient’s) health.

    Observe the real time trends in health and wellness—
    learn which interventions will make the difference and HOW to implement them within your family or practice.

    Get your questions answered and leave with the confidence
    you’ll be doing everything you can to give your family and patients a fighting chance.

    This is the one pediatric conference you don’t want to miss!
    We can’t wait to see you there!

    We will navigate this path together…

    The Documenting Hope Project is a children’s health and wellness research program created by Epidemic Answers, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in collaboration with a coalition of physicians, parents, scientists, research and health organizations and experts in a cross-section of specialties ranging from bioinformatics to traditional healing.

    Documenting Hope’s two research projects are led by a team of dedicated professionals including: Executive Director Beth Lambert, Medical Director, Dr. Heather Tallman Ruhm, Programs Director, Josie Nelson, and Epidemiologist and Public Health Expert, Dr. Chris D’Adamo.

    We have come together to re-think the way we approach children’s health and wellness in the developed world. We know serious chronic conditions and developmental challenges can be overcome by optimizing the good influences on our bodies, reducing the harmful ones and using a “root causes” approach to healing. If this model is widely adopted, we have the opportunity to profoundly impact the future of our children and life on this planet.

    Born from this concept are our two rigorous scientific studies that look for the root causes of symptoms and diagnoses and examine how it is possible to fully reverse these conditions

    Our research is inspired by the many success stories of children diagnosed with health and developmental conditions whose health has been restored. Our studies are validating this phenomenon in communities across the country and across many different kinds of conditions including autism, ADHD, autoimmune diseases, mood disorders, life-threatening food allergies and more.

    We choose not to use the word “cure” because this word depicts human health as binary and static (you are either “sick” or “cured”), whereas human health is a dynamic continuum and is exquisitely responsive to even the most subtle of changes in the environment and one’s surroundings.


    Questions about the conference? See below or email

    Am I able to get a refund if I am unable to attend?

    While we understand that life happens and the unexpected can occur, we stress that your ticket is purchasing the incredibly valuable information that the event provides. Our organization also assumes a large amount of financial risk to hold the hotel space for this live event. There are no refunds with no exceptions. Please read the terms and conditions before making your purchase.

    When should I plan to arrive and leave?

    Plan to arrive in the afternoon or evening Thursday, November 14th and register by 5:30 pm.

    The first lecture begins Friday, November 15th at 8:00 a.m. 

    The Conference will end in the early afternoon on Sunday, November 17th.

    How do I book my hotel room?

    We will have a block of rooms reserved for Documenting Hope participants at the Omni ChampionsGate. For ease and convenience, we suggest you stay at The Omni.

    Click here to book through our room block and apply your discounted rate.

    If you’d like to have a room closer to the elevator or a wheelchair-accessible room, please directly call the hotel to arrange that. Please be aware there is a very limited amount of handicap-accessible rooms.

    You also call the reservation hotline at 1-800-THE-OMNI You will need to inform the reservation agent they are with the Documenting Hope Conference to receive discounted rates.

    If you have any problems making reservations please contact

    I am a health practitioner, is this event eligible for CEU or CE or Certificate of Completion?

    The PROFESSIONAL TRACK has applied for AMA PRA Category 1 Credits for qualified lectures.

    A certificate of attendance/completion will be provided to any attendee who wishes to use this conference toward professional recertification or renewal requirements. Please check to confirm if the lectures being offered meet the approval of your state licensing board.  

    CEUs will be available to some healthcare and wellness professionals. We are applying for CEU approval from the Nutritional Therapy Association and the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches. For Occupational Therapists: A Continuing Education Certificate of Completion will be provided for any Occupational Therapist that would like to apply the conference lectures and associated assessment to the 36 CE credits required by NBCOT as part of their Certification Renewal. Epidemic Answers and The Documenting Hope Project are not approved continuing education providers of AOTA, ASHA, APTA or NASW. Members of these associations may be able to fulfill professional development hours and/or certification maintenance hours by attending the professional tract of this conference.  A certificate of attendance/completion will be provided to any attendee who wishes to use this conference toward renewal requirements. 

    Please check to confirm if the lectures being offered meet the approval of your state licensing board.  Attendance of the entire professional track will total 13 contact hours.

    When can I find the schedule for the 2024 Documenting Hope Conference?

    We are still locking in our speakers and topics for the 2024 event. We will update the schedule as soon as it’s available.

    How do I get to the conference?

    Omni Orlando Resort at Championsgate is a short drive from all of the world-famous attractions Orlando has to offer. The resort’s physical address is 1500 Masters Boulevard, ChampionsGate, Florida 33896

    Omni Orlando Resort is located near the following airports:

    About 26 miles from Orlando International Airport (MCO)

    The resort offers several options to meet your transportation needs during your stay.


    Six parking spots are available on site that are accessible to electric car chargers. Parking attendant will direct you to the locations.


    • Taxi Service: Rate is approximately $82 from MCO to Omni; and $100 from Omni to MCO, for one to four passengers
    • Mears Town Car: Rate is $120 to $145 from MCO to Omni; and $104 from Omni to MCO


    Complimentary scheduled transportation is provided to EPCOT and Disney’s Magic Kingdom® (the Walt Disney World® transportation center that accesses all Disney attractions). We currently offer 6 departures and 4 to 5 return trips, daily. Please see the concierge for the scheduled times and to reserve your transportation. We suggest 24-hour* advance reservations to guarantee specific departures from the resort. You may visit the concierge desk or call (407) 238–6505.

    *Please allow up to 48 hours to schedule transportation that requires a chair lift or other ADA accommodations.


    Mears town cars are available to transport guests to locations with one-way rates starting from approximately $65. Guests may also make their own preferred transportation arrangements through Uber or Taxi.

    Which organization is presenting this conference?

    This conference is presented by the Documenting Hope Project, which is a children’s health and wellness research program created by Epidemic Answers, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in collaboration with a coalition of physicians, parents, scientists, research and health organizations and experts in a cross-section of specialties ranging from bioinformatics to traditional healing.

    We have come together to re-think the way we approach children’s health and wellness in the developed world. Our coalition believes that serious chronic illnesses and developmental challenges can be overcome by optimizing the good influences on our bodies and reducing the harmful ones. If true, we have the opportunity to profoundly impact the future of our children and life on this planet. This theory must be rigorously tested and documented.

    Our research is inspired by the many success stories of children getting significantly better or even fully recovering from their chronic health and developmental conditions. We have observed this phenomenon in communities across the country and across many different kinds of conditions including autism, ADHD, autoimmune diseases, mood disorders, life-threatening food allergies and more. We do not use the word “cure” because this word depicts human health as binary and static (you are either “sick” or “cured”), whereas our team believes that human health is dynamic continuum and is exquisitely responsive to even the most subtle of changes in the environment and one’s surroundings.